A family walking through a field at sunset


Farm & Family - Get Succession Planning that Works for Both 

When you take a step back and look at everything you have worked so hard to build – your legacy – you never want to leave anything to chance. With succession planning there are many questions that need to be answered. Important questions that ensure you get a clear picture so you can transition your farm on your terms. 

We've invested substantial time and resources into understanding every aspect of the client groups we specialize in working with. As a result, we're able to provide customized consulting services, advice and strategies that will safeguard your operation and allow you to thrive. 

Canoe in a lake

Welcome to Green Lake

Have you ever thought you’d like to sell your business and retire to the cottage life? These folks have . . .

A comprehensive plan that addresses all your questions 

Succession is complex. There are many aspects to take into consideration. A will or other simpler forms of succession planning do not cover everything. Also, proper succession planning can make for sound business decisions. Having the insight and strategies effectively positions your operation for success. 

TransitionSMARTTM is the most comprehensive succession program available for farmers. Why? Because we address everything you need to ensure you transition your farm on your terms, never leaving anything to chance. From effective tax strategies to estate planning, family consulting to wealth and asset management, there are so many things you need to take into consideration to ensure the most successful transition for you and your successor. 


  • Progress

    March 09, 2021

    Women in agriculture: #ChooseToChallenge gender stereotypes

    MNP celebrates women in agriculture and challenges gender stereotypes this International Women’s Day.

  • Progress

    January 05, 2021

    You can't predict the future - but you can plan for the unexpected

    While 2020 was undoubtedly an unprecedented year in many ways, having a rock-solid succession plan in place is one way to ring in the New Year the right way.

  • Performance

    October 11, 2020

    Capital gains exemption not keeping pace with land values and costs

    The $1 million capital gains exemptions hasn't kept pace with the ever increasing capital and operating costs facing farm operators today.

Contact Our TransitionSMART™ Team

Stuart Person CPA, CA

National Leader, Crop Services

Stuart Person, CPA, CA, is the Senior Vice President of MNP's Agricultural Services and National Leader of Primary Producers, located in the Edmonton office.

Stuart has more than 25 years of experience in agriculture, specializing in the grain industry. Passionate about the industry, he grew up on a grain farm and continues to participate as a producer himself. This experience and knowledge allows Stuart to relate first hand to what Canadian Agriculture producers face in their operations—and gives him greater insights on how to help producers overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Stuart works with many agriculture producers, associations and other industry stakeholders on a daily basis, providing advice into the complex issues that affect the industry. He has extensive experience as an Agriculture Business Advisor with MNP and has helped clients from coast to coast.

In his role as Senior Vice President, Stuart leads a national team of more than 600 Agriculture professionals who serve more than 18,000 clients. He is also a member of the Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA).

Stuart earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree with Distinction from the University of Saskatchewan in 2000. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2003.