Ron Batty, CPA, CA

Ron Batty

Ron Batty , CPA, CA

Ron Batty, CPA, CA, is a Partner with MNP’s Private Enterprise Services group in Vancouver. Ron serves clients in a variety of industries, including commercial fishing, hospitality, professional sports and broadcasting, real estate and mortgage investment corporations, among others.

With extensive experience in both Canadian and cross-border tax matters, Ron understands and manages a broad range of taxation and accounting issues for his clients, including estate planning, structuring of business acquisition and sales, employee ownership structures, corporate re-organizations and research and development (R&D) incentives. Ron also specializes in Aboriginal tax issues and has been involved in many successful tax appeals and representations with the Canadian Revenue Agency.

Regarding inbound investments, Ron has advised non-Canadian businesses on a variety of accounting and taxation matters specific to entering Canada. He has also provided tax advice to employee groups being transferred to Canadian divisions.

Ron is a designated Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA). He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA) from Simon Fraser University in 1986. Ron actively volunteers in education and family-based activities in his community.

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