
If your farm operation is experiencing economic hardship or uncertainty, it can be difficult to determine the appropriate course of action on your own. As one of Canada's leading corporate recovery and restructuring firms, we are here to help you. Drawing on comprehensive experience and industry knowledge, we consider all angles to create recovery and restructuring strategies that meet the needs of all stakeholders and protect your rights. We work collaboratively with both debtors and creditors to find solutions that work in the near- and long-term.

To learn more about MNP’s Insolvency Services, please click here.

Corporate Restructuring 

If your farm business is dealing with more debt than it can manage—or your financial institution or suppliers are pressuring you to make payments you can’t afford—it may be time to seek assistance. Your local MNP LTD office is here to help every step of the way. We can help with:

  • Business Review

  • Corporate Restructuring - Informal Turnaround

  • Corporate Restructuring - Formal Proposal to Creditors

  • Bankruptcy


    • Confidence

      April 02, 2023

      New form test insight

    • Performance

      May 20, 2021

      Do you know how the 2020 to 2022 National AgriStability Program changes impact your farm?

      Find out how changes to the 2020 to 2022 National AgriStability Program could impact your farm with our detailed overview.

    • Performance

      April 22, 2021

      The 2021 Federal Budget Highlights for the Agriculture Sector

      The 2021 Federal Budget delivered numerous announcements that may impact the agriculture sector. Find out what the changes mean for you and your farm business.

    Contact our Agriculture Team

    Stuart Person CPA, CA

    National Leader, Crop Services

    Stuart Person, CPA, CA, is the Senior Vice President of MNP's Agricultural Services and National Leader of Primary Producers, located in the Edmonton office.

    Stuart has more than 25 years of experience in agriculture, specializing in the grain industry. Passionate about the industry, he grew up on a grain farm and continues to participate as a producer himself. This experience and knowledge allows Stuart to relate first hand to what Canadian Agriculture producers face in their operations—and gives him greater insights on how to help producers overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

    Stuart works with many agriculture producers, associations and other industry stakeholders on a daily basis, providing advice into the complex issues that affect the industry. He has extensive experience as an Agriculture Business Advisor with MNP and has helped clients from coast to coast.

    In his role as Senior Vice President, Stuart leads a national team of more than 600 Agriculture professionals who serve more than 18,000 clients. He is also a member of the Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA).

    Stuart earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree with Distinction from the University of Saskatchewan in 2000. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2003.