Strategic compliance advisory for the Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211)

Navigating compliance with confidence

Canada’s Supply Chains Act (the act) requires businesses to mitigate the risks and labour exposures related to forced labour and child labour in their operations and supply chain. This requires a strategic and comprehensive approach to compliance.

Our custom-tailored compliance advisory services will guide you seamlessly through the complexities. Together, we will ensure your operations align with the terms of the Supply Chains Act.

We’ll deliver a step-by-step compliance plan for your operations and supply chain. Our hands-on approach covers:

  • Initial guidance
  • Strategic planning
  • Risk management
  • Operational evaluations
  • Tools and templates
  • Compliance reporting

Watch our webinar on the Supply Chains Act
(Bill S-211)

Watch our latest webinar for insights into what Bill S-211 means for you and how to prepare your organization for these changes. MNP's ESG Leader, Edward Olson, will discuss the key steps required for compliance with reporting obligations moving forward.

Does the Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211) apply to my business?

Tailored service offerings

Initial compliance

1. Scoping and business assessment

Create a comprehensive overview of your business structure, related activities, and supply chain. This phase sets the foundation for a tailored compliance strategy. It will clarify how your existing practices align with the requirements of the Act.

Risk assessment

2. Risk assessment

Conduct a thorough risk assessment of your operations and supply chain. Specifically, this assessment will focus on exposures to forced labour and child labour. We will identify vulnerable areas and consider factors such as country, industry, and relevant goods. This will help us establish a foundation for targeted risk mitigation strategies.

Operational mapping

3. Supplier analysis

Thoroughly analyze your supply chain to ensure it meets compliance requirements. This step will help you to safeguard your operations against risks from external sources: 

  • Gain insights into your suppliers and the materiality of each. 
  • Identify where additional focus and due diligence are required. 
  • Clarify interactions with suppliers (i.e. supplier questionnaires) and information required to comply with the Act. 

Process optimization

4. Compliance review

Identify, assess, and document supplier due diligence. Specifically, this will focus on how an entity assesses its effectiveness in eliminating forced labour and child labour from business activities and the supply chain.

Supply chain review

5. Process enhancement

Enhance procurement processes and embed compliance into your daily operations and supplier relationships. We will provide insights, tools and templates to minimize the risk of compliance gaps and ensure you meet the requirements of the Act.

Strategic reporting

6. Strategic reporting

Receive a detailed compliance report outlining how your business adheres to the Act and a roadmap for continuous improvement. Our services also assist you with Public Safety Canada’s online questionnaire and attestation requirements.

Looking to learn more?

Read our latest insight to understand what requirements Bill S-211 will be introducing, who will be affected, and when the changes will take effect.

Take the next step

Bill S-211 is not only a legislative checkpoint but a strategic opportunity for your business to demonstrate its commitment to leading industry standards and practices. We are here to turn legislative adherence into a competitive advantage for your business. Connect with us to transform your approach to Bill S-211 compliance. Fill out the form and a member of our team will reach out to guide you through the next steps.

Direct Support for The Supply Chains Act (Bill S-211)

Have questions? We can help. Reach out to [email protected] and we will get back to you.

Meet our team

Edward Olson

Partner, Enterprise Risk Services & Leader, Environmental, Social & Governance

Mary Larson MBA, ICD.D, GCD.D

Leader, Consulting – Organizational Renewal

Yohaan Thommy PMP, LSSBB, CMC



Partner, Enterprise Risk Services

Héloïse Bédard MSc, CIA, CRMA, CGAP, PMP

Partner, Enterprise Risk Services


Partner, Enterprise Risk