Landscape of a wetland

MNP’s 2021 Indigenous Services Calendar

Together, We Are Stronger

Traditional Indigenous art comes in many forms, from embroidery, painted hide coats, intricate beadwork, carvings and sculptures, colorful paintings, and more. Decorative and depictive pieces, Indigenous art is diverse, multi-faceted, and meaningful.

Showcasing works by contemporary Indigenous artists from across the country is a critical goal of MNP’s calendar initiative every year - ensuring the collection reflects the historical diversity of Canada, and part of our on-going commitment to Indigenous peoples, organizations and businesses in achieving their goals.

To move forward, paddlers in a canoe must work together. And when they pull in unison, the canoe becomes even more powerful. The symbolism of B.C. artist Roger Smith’s yellow cedar paddle featured in MNP’s 2021 calendar speaks to the impact Canada’s Indigenous peoples have on our collective history and future of this diverse country.

A member of the Eagle clan, Tsaalth Laanaas, Roger says he seeks to honour Indigenous ancestors with his art and was inspired by them for this piece, The Personal Guardian Spirits.

The free-hand design painted on wood was modeled from two eagles which guide Roger on each journey he takes, spirits he likes to think of as his ancestors making sure he arrives safely.

About the Artist

Roger Smith was born and raised on Haida Gwaii and given the name Naad Kaa,wang, which means “walking away from trouble into the sunset.” He attended the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art and his work has been shown at the Terrace Art Gallery and the Kitimaat Museum. Roger primarily works with canvas and paper but has started to add wood carving to his artistic skills through portrait masks, spoons, paddles, and bowls.

For more information about MNP’s Indigenous Services, locations and team members, contact Caitlin Dika at 403.536.5593 or [email protected]

carved art on wooden paddle

View Past Years' Calendars


James Faubert - born in North Bay, Ontario - is currently based out of the North Cobalt / Lorrain Valley area and is a member of the Temagami First Nation.

Predominantly self taught and ever the creative spirit, James frequently drew and painted as a child. He received some formal training and guidance early in his adult career from the internationally-renowned woodland artist Hugh McKenzie — one of his early influences in Indigenous art — alongside Benjamin Chee Chee and Wallace Irvine.

This piece, entitled ‘Gathering’ is a beautiful example of his preferred medium, acrylic on canvas, and depicts “the spiritual connection between the land, the people and creation.”



Jason Carter is a member of the Little Red River Cree Nation and widely regarded as one of Canada’s most exciting and accomplished contemporary Aboriginal visual artists. Celebrated for both his paintings and his carvings, his work has received widespread national acclaim – including a solo show at Alberta House during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, recognition as ‘Emerging Artist of the Year’ at the Mayor’s Evening of the Arts in Edmonton and one of Avenue Magazine’s Top 40 Under 40.

Extremely prolific and dedicated to his craft, Jason invests seven days per week into either his painting or carving work.



A Cree descendent of Cross Lake, Norway House and Fisher River, artist Gayle Sinclaire created the artwork for MNP’s 2018 calendar.

"The Four Women Speaks is a dedication for all women of the directions; a gathering of grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and friends. Our women are bearers of water and new life. They are keepers of the circle of families and communities and world peace keepers.

A special hidden message underlies to continue the search and support for our missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls."

– Gayle Sinclaire



MNP’s 2017 calendar was created by Loretta Gould, a Mi’kmaq artist from Cape Breton Island. Growing up a member of the Waycobah First Nation, her art is spiritual and a way to get her feelings on canvas. It’s said it's a dream to see her use of bright, beautiful colors. Loretta’s dream is to share her art around the world.



Archie Beaulieu, creator of MNP’s 2016 calendar, was a well-established artist with international reputation from Behchoko, Northwest Territories.

Like most of Archie’s work, Young Northern Bull was inspired by the stories his grandmother passed down surrounding the legends of each animal included in the piece. As living creatures, we are reliant on one another to push the spirit and life of the land forward.


About MNP

MNP is a leading national accounting, tax and consulting firm to Canada’s Indigenous communities. We have invested more time and resources into understanding Indigenous needs than any other firm. With more than 250 Indigenous clients and 300 professionals, MNP has developed a diverse suite of services designed to preserve our clients’ traditions and position them for success.