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An Introductory Guide To Understanding Indigenous Rights

This is the story of how a unique set of collective rights made it into Canada's constitution.

About the Book

Indigenous and treaty rights are the basis of Canada itself. They are integral to its collective history, culture and laws. And the nation as we know it could not exist without them.

Yet, few people understand what these rights are or why they are protected in Canada’s constitution. Nor the role each citizen plays in protecting and upholding them.

An Introductory Guide to Understanding Indigenous Rights peels back the layers on more than 300 years of treaty history to begin answering those questions.

This thoroughly researched and eye-opening history reveals how Canada came to be. The promises made and broken with Indigenous nations. Attempts made to begin much needed reconciliation — and the necessary path to finally realize it.

This informative and captivating publication is part of MNP’s response to an ever increasing need to create contemporary knowledge and awareness on the true history and reality of Canada’s Indigenous people.  As a Firm with a deep commitment to this dynamic and vital segment of society we have, for many years, incorporated this critical understanding into our team members and organizational philosophy.  We believe this is a journey, as we discover more about the past and gain insight into the evolving realities facing the Indigenous community and Canada.

Our objective has always been to support, as best we can, the continued acknowledgment of the Indigenous community and the need to confirm that they are equal and active participants in all aspects of society.  This document is another way we honour Indigenous peoples and the many efforts being made to improve their health and wellbeing.  This includes supporting the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP).

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Volume Pricing

Volume pricing and flexible payment options available. Indigenous and/or educational organizations receive a 20 percent discount.

Curriculum Development – Understanding Treaties and Sovereignty

We have developed a Grade 10 course approved for use in public schools which can be custom designed to suit any grade or meet the unique needs of your organization.

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